Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
2 cups flour
1 / 2 tablespoons baking soda
1 cup unsalted butter
2 tablespoons vanilla
1 / 2 cups, packed brown sugar
1 / 2 cups sugar
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
1 tablespoon peanut butter
1 whole egg
1 whole egg yolk
Step 1
Combine flour and baking soda; set aside.
Step 2
In medium bowl, cream together the sugars, melted butter, and vanilla.
Step 3
Add the peanut butter, egg, and egg yolk; blend until light in color.
Step 4
Slowly add in the dry ingredients; blend just until the dry ingredients are combined.
Step 5
Add in the chocolate chips. As many as you want!
Step 6
Roll into 1 TBSP sized balls and stick them in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
Step 7
Bake at 350F for 9 minutes. Cook times can vary. I like to take them out when I am just starting to smell them!
Step 8
Allow the cookies to cool for a few minutes. They will continue to cook even after being taken out!
If the cookies do not flatten as much as you would have liked, you can smash their tiny heads with a spoon when they come out of the oven. This prevents the cookie from being soft and chewy on the bottom and doughy on the top.
What makes this dish special?
The hardest part of this chocolate chip cookie recipe? Letting them cool before you eat them!